Crossroads Community Church, or better known as C3 Lindale, was planted by Pastor Tim (PT) in March 2008. C3 hosted its first public worship service at the Civic Center in Mineola. Within a year, the church moved to downtown Lindale before building on 11+ acres just north of town in 2012. C3 Lindale has seen a steady increase from less than 20 people on the first day in 2008, to a consistently growing congregation of all ages. We are making every effort to continue this momentum that God has given us.

Tim Letsch is the founding and Lead Pastor of C3 Lindale. Alongside his wife Cheryl, Pastor Tim provides leadership, vision, and guidance to the church and loves to tell anyone who will listen about what God is doing. Pastor Tim has a passion for developing, growing, and inspiring leaders for the equipping of the ministry. Tim is a talented musician that has local renowned in the communities around Lindale and uses this platform to reach people for Jesus.

The C3 Lindale staff is ever growing and we have a robust team of passionate followers of Christ who are like minded in equipping others for the work of the ministry. 

Tim & Cheryl Letsch, Pastor

Josh & Sheryl Mason, Worship

Graeson Letsch, Media

Chris & Emily Bowdoin, Children

Walt & Shelley Bryant, Small Group & Board Members

Maegan Letsch, Executive Asst.

Amanda Huerta, Finance

David & Neaty Ingram, Board Members


There’s a God. Only one God, in fact, and he is the creator of everything. We’re made in His image, which means we’re like him in many ways, except that he’s God and we’re not. He’s loving and just and desires a relationship with us. As individuals with free will, we have the freedom to respond to the relationship God’s initiated with us, or not.

We’re free to choose to live outside the realm of the life God has for us as it’s explained in the Bible. Put another way, many choices we make either move us closer to God or further away from him. Making even seemingly small decisions that separate us from God is called sin. We all do it. And, even then, God will love us and passionately pursue us. 

God loves us so much, in fact, that he sent his only son, Jesus, to die so the rest of us could live. The cost of sin was separation from God—spiritual death—until Jesus came and his death paid everyone’s debt. That’s serious love. Because of that serious, perfect love, this gift from God is waiting for anyone who wants to receive it. This is called Grace. God gives grace freely and abundantly.

As for us, we need only to decide whether or not to believe and receive this stuff. If we decide to believe it, we have available to us a new, full life that can start now and never stop. And it’s OK to have a lot of questions along the way. Although God reveals things to us (including what he’s revealed about himself in the Bible), he remains mysterious and wonderful.

Our Vision

Love God, Love People 

Our Mission

Bring in, build up, train, send out

Our Purpose

To lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ


We believe that the Bible, composed of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament, is the inspired word of God and without error in the original writing. The Bible was given by God through chosen people and thus reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabulary of human writers. The Bible is the full and final authority on all matters of faith and practice; there are no other writings similarly inspired by God. The Bible's truth is timeless and speaks to our everyday lives.

Luke 21:33, 24:44; Romans 15:4; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Peter 1:25; 2 Peter 1:19-21


We believe there is only one God, Creator and Lord of everything, infinitely perfect, all powerful, all knowing and eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (The Trinity).

Isaiah 43:10-11; Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; John 14:16-17, 16:23-27; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Galatians 4:4-6

God the Father

We believe that the Father is Creator and Ruler of all. He is compassionate, loving and just toward all people and is faithful to keep His promises. He hears and answers prayer. He calls all people to believe in Him and saves from sin and eternal death each person who comes to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1; Matthew 7:7, 12:50; Ephesians 4:6; 2 Corinthians 6:18; 1 Timothy 2:4-5; Exodus 34:5-7

God the Son

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came to earth fully God and fully man through a miraculous conception and virgin birth. He lived a sinless life and voluntarily died on the cross in our place as full payment for the sins of all people. He arose bodily from the dead on the third day to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended into heaven to the right hand of the Father where He is the only One who is able to provide access and reconciliation between God and people. He will return personally and visibly to earth and those who have believed in Him will be united with God eternally in Heaven. Those who have not believed in Him will be separated from God in Hell due to their sin.

Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 24:1-8; John 1:1-5, 1:14, 3:16, 3:18, 11:25, 14:6-7, 14:9-11, 14:16; Acts 1:9-11; Romans 1:3-4, 5:8-11, 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:3-6; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:24-25; Titus 2:13-14; Revelation 19:20, 20:15

God the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, Counselor and Helper sent for believers. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit who reveals God's truth to the world and indwells believers to empower them for Godly life and service. We believe in the diversity of gifts given by the Spirit for the common good of the church and that they are operating today.

John 14:15-17, 14:25-26, 15:26, 16:5-15; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-31


We believe every person has been disobedient to God's desires and plans in varying degrees. Any disobedience to God, regardless of how large or small, is characterized as "sin." "Sin" literally separates each person from God, which is spiritual death. Spiritual death is not God's desire. People can be united with God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and Him alone. Jesus died to establish a way of atonement and reconciliation with the sinner. Anyone who accepts, and believes in Jesus' death for their personal sins, and desires to have Him as King of their life, is forgiven for every sin. Upon this personal decision and, God re-establishes a personal relationship with that person, empowers them to live in obediance and promises eternal life to those who love Him with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength. 

Romans 3:23-24, 5:12, 5:16, 6:23; Psalms 51:4-5; John 3:16, 14:6; Acts 4:12, 10:43; Ephesians 2:8-9; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 John 5:11-13


We believe that all those, anywhere, who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord make up the one true Church. The purpose of a local church is to organize Christians to reach unbelievers with the message of salvation, serve as a corporate body for worship of God, provide fellowship for Christians with each other, develop the gifts and talents of Christians for godly service, and practice baptism and communion. We believe baptism and communion are God's ordinances to be observed by believers in Jesus Christ, but not to be regarded as means of salvation.

Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38-41, 42-47, 38-41; Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 10:24-25, 13:17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, 12:12-13

Faith & Practice

Scripture is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. This church recognizes that it cannot bind the conscience of individual members in areas where scripture is silent. Rather, each believer is to be led in these areas by the Lord, to whom he or she alone is ultimately responsible. By adhering to God's Word and seeking Him, we can best observe His greatest commandments, which are to love Him and others.

Romans 12:2, 14; 1 Corinthians 8 & 9, 10:23-11:1; Proverbs 3:5-6; Mark 12:29-31; Romans 12:2; Deuteronomy 6:5


C3 Lindale has some principles that help us reach our goal of loving God and loving people —we call them the principles to die for. Simply calling these "values" doesn’t cut it. All too commonly, values have come to signify mushy, sentimental ideals for which we rarely fight. As a church, we believe that if something is worth living for, it is worth dying for. We realize we can’t do everything—but what we, as a community, are called by God to do, we do with excellence.

Principles To Die For

There are several behaviors we strive to emulate while we follow Christ. They are work ethic, sense of humor, resilience, self-awareness, humility, flexibility, cultural relevance, and teachability. 

Read on for more details about each principle.

Sense Of Humor

We believe we can’t be what God has called us to be if we play games with each other. Whether it’s what happens on stage, within our smaller communities, in serving teams or in our homes, we need to be able to share our faults and weaknesses and not fake it. That’s authenticity, just being real.

 Philippians 3:17


C3 Lindale is a place for people on every part of the spiritual journey, from those just investigating whether there is a God to those who have made following Christ the priority of their life. The Bible presents a dangerous message of life change. We don’t assume everyone believes, or even knows the Bible, but we do assume everyone who comes through our doors is open to exploring it. We believe the Bible is God’s inerrant truth and it’s the foundation to everything we do. 

2 Timothy 3:16

Cultural Relevance

Crossroads is a place that helps connect those who are exploring God’s love and truth. The challenge for us is that the Bible was written a long time ago for people in another culture. The fact that we live in the 21st century doesn’t change the message that God gave 2000 years ago, but it does mean that we need to do some work to connect it to our lives today. Jesus did exactly the same thing when he was teaching. He used the current language and daily life experiences of those around him to communicate truth. That’s what we mean by “culturally current communication.”

Ecclesiastes 12:10


We aren’t interested in being a place where a lot of people get together for an inspiring service but never move beyond the casual, arm's distance relationships of an auditorium. We want to grow by really “doing life together.” People who grow in their relationship with God also grow in their friendships with each other, moving beyond the Auditorium in small groups, Community Groups and through serving. Real community is knowing and being known, loving and being loved, celebrating and being celebrated, serving and being served.

Hebrews 10:24-25

Work Ethic

We don’t believe in striving for unrealistic perfection. Real excellence is about bringing your best to God’s work and to life in general. We want to bring our “A-game” to everything that we do, whether it’s our communication and music, how we hold babies in the nursery or how we take care of the building, we want it to reflect excellence for Christ. 

Malachi 1 


Reproduction is about recognizing something that God has created and then reproducing it in His name. We want to send God’s message out into the world by reproducing everything from the weekend program to each message series. C3 Lindale wants to be a place where Christ-followers reproduce Christ-followers, leaders reproduce leaders and churches reproduce other churches.

Matthew 28:19-20


We don’t expect anyone who walks into C3 Lindale to be a committed Christ-follower, but we do expect everyone who is around our community for any length of time to be growing. We expect every person to be moving closer to reflecting the complete image of Christ in every area of life. This is a safe place for everyone. But safe doesn’t mean comfortable. The answers aren’t always comfortable. In fact, we often grow only when we are pushed out of our comfort zone.

Colossians 1:10


We believe that God's answer for the world is the church. Feeding the orphans and widows is just a small part of what God is asking for. He wants us to give irrationally, when it doesn't make sense financially. He always provides for us in new and unexpected ways, and grows our faith in the process of teaching us how to be irrationally generous.

Acts 20: 35


C3 Lindale is familiar with sacrifice. God calls us to offer ourselves daily to Him as a living sacrifice, wholly and acceptable. This means that sometimes, we must sacrifice something we love for something even better. It truly is an honor to respond to Christ's calling of sacrifice, knowing He is with us every step of the way.

Romans 12:1

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